
TWO damn good, long days

Woohoo! It's been a couple of days since I last left you, and it's been a whirlwind. Let me summarize, Lynch Mob style:


Middle of da night - Didn't actually do too much in the middle of the night; just compiled all of my work from my computer and made sure it was ready to go to my compueter at work. Then I slumbered for two hours and got my ass up at 3:30am to get to the office at 4:30am

4:30am - Nobody on da streets and it took me 16 minutes to get to work, approximately 15.8 miles away. Brought the tape of Arsenal at Liverpool, which provided ambient noise and pictures, while I worked feverishly to not only get my December Deliverables done, but to make sure it was good quality. Also played the final race of the World Rally Car circuit. Worked like a mojo on databases, progress reports, photographs, student work, etc. until 9:30am.

8:30am - one of my co-workers comes in and tries to get stuff ready for her teaching. I'm actually teaching in the same school as her, so we ready our stuff together. She was kind enough to get both of our stuff together, albeit she was bothering the fuck out of me while I tried to finish my shit. I guess some peeps don't really understand how it is when you're stressed as an MF and you want to be left the fuck alone!

Let me stop right here. A couple of my co-workers have been pissing me off the last couple of days. Even though I have the weight of these reports to finish, Joanne's impending medical treatments, transportation, and babysitting of the pups, financial issues, along with morning and night injections that number in the 10's every day, not to mention the good news that I will soon tell you about (woohoo!), I have to deal with these peoples' issues! Jesus, Mary, Joseph, could you lay off me a little bit, you little monkeys. One co-worker of mine got on my case for having to leave for Las Vegas for an emergency procedure because I was missing a program meeting. A fuckin' program meeting?!?!? When she did this, I said curtly, "I've got my priorities straight, and the program meeting is not on the top of my list, so stick it up your wanker." Ok, I didn't say that last part, but I wanted to. This chick can get a little agro when it comes to "reminding" you of your shit. In fact, she "reminded" me of a meeting an evaluation right in front of a teacher, which was completely unprofessional. I didn't call her on it, though, because she has been very helpful to me in these first three months of work. Can't say the same for my other co-worker. She tells me to ask her anything and she'll help you out. When I do, she shoots me down as if I'm dumber than mud. No, thank you, sweetheart. I can't depend on your passive aggressive ass.

Cube, break these fools off!

This same co-worker gets on my case this morning. I come in at 11am, after buying a shitload of crap at Orchard, going to storage, and calling teachers in the morning, and this chick has the nerve to ask, "Did you just get in for the day?" All I reply is "Yup". I got a thick skin, so I can handle these people's bullshit. Later, my other co-worker (who actually played peacemaker) tells me that her and Miss Passive Aggressive worked a 12-hour day yesterday, and I retort, "Don't bitch about that, I worked 16 hours, so I don't care what time I get in this morning." A little childish of my, I admit, but PassAggro had to hear it.

Then her ass gets on my case about a field trip she's trying to schedule and tries to point out that I didn't email her in time, and I was procrastinating on my shit. I pointed out that she's been giving misinformation about the field trip site, and she goes wacko. She goes into the other room, gets into her PassAggro shell, and just indiscriminantly says things to get my attention. Fuck you, chick. I ain't got time for your little ego trip. The way she was whining and complaining reminded me of a five-year old not getting her way. My other co-worker (another one who has been really helpful to me) plays peacemaker and tells us to squash it. That's a departure for her, because she usually mutters fucked up shit whenever someone's having a bad time. I remember when my boss told me to "step up my recruiting" (recruiting of teacher, that is) during a staff meeting, and when the meeting was over, this chick mutters to herself "fresh meat". I think her inner voice sometimes comes out to her mouth. Nonetheless, this chick has really helped me out with my teaching and my administration, so I'm thankful to her.

Sorry, I got trigonometric on your ass and went off on a tangent. You'd think these incidences would make me have a miserable day, but I'm a positive person, and I shed that crap off me like shit from a dog's ass. Back to my day:

10:30am - teach one of my favorite lessons to a school in San Pablo. Kids are very responsive to my teaching style. I really am impressed with the improvement they made from the first lesson. They weren't that bad in the first lesson, but I think their teacher lets them get a little talkative and rowdy. I ain't having that shit, so I make students leave the activity, if they ain't got their shit together. But they still love my ass, because I inject humor, positive reinforcement (gave out pencils and rulers to those who were on point), and make the lesson fun as hell. Those kids are very intelligent, they were on my questions like a fly on a cow's ass.

12pm - during lunch, I get a message from Jo that a birthmother is very interested in us, and would like to contact us. It's been a month since we finished up all our paperwork and coincidently last talked to a birthmother who is due in January, and that one was all the way in Lincoln, Nebraska! We had a birthmother in San Jose that was also interested is us two days before that, but we decided to pass because she had just given birth and we could not take in a baby at that time. This new birthmother lives in Sac. Needless to say, I'm beaming.

3pm - drop by storage and get tree planting stuff for my co-worker, as well as drop off our teaching shit. Get another message from Jo that ANOTHER birthmother is interested in us. This one's in Concord. Unfortuantely, she was addicted to pain medications and used all throughout the pregnancy. The father of the baby beat her up, so she was in so much pain that she needed it. Sad, but we're still there for the baby if she decides to contact us. Every baby deserves a chance to live and be loved.

4pm - finish up my December Deliverable Report. Lots of peeps in the office, so I tried not to be bothered by their "pressing" issues. Jeez.

5pm - phone-a-thon: we had this event to raise funds for transportation coasts and scholarships. It was pretty disorganized though. My co-worker sent out fundraising letters that didn't say we would be calling them, so a lot of people got mad because they got hit up twice. I can't blame them, I hate getting shit in the mail, and worse, getting solicitation phone calls. I think I'll ask Jossie to call my list of people (I only did 5-6 people) because she works for the Cal annual fund, so she's a pro.

I think we did more harm than good, because people get resentful when you bother them too much. Especially if they already support your program. I'll bring it up with the boss next time.

7:30pm - had to hightail it home for Jo's shots; any more than 12 hours spaced apart, it becomes null and ineffective. I swear I should be a Med Tech administering all of these shots. Either that or a heroin addict.

8pm - 1st birthmother calls us! OMG. She's so normal, I thought to myself. She loves to cook, has a big family, and they are supportive of her impending adoption. To top it off, the baby's gonna be a mutt! Moms is asian and pops is white. Joanne has always wanted to have a mutt, because they are the most beautiful babies in the world. I would agree. We have a cousin who married a white guy, and neither one of them is spectacularly good-lookin' (at least not as good looking as yours truly, Big Sexy), but their kids came out like little models. Cute as a couple of buttons.

So our conversation ends in us scheduling a match meeting on Saturday. She's gonna drive down from Sac and we'll have lunch and later meet with an adoption counselor. I forgot to write that since Jo and I will be in Vegas for our medical treatments, I have to be available at a drop of a hat to fly to Sac and pick up the baby at the hospital. Her due date is soon! And so is our medical procedure. So Jo schedules me a flight out to Vegas this Sunday, so I could do my dirty deed, and fly back to the Bay on Monday morning.

Tonight, I bought a crib, comforter set, mobile, rug, car seat, etc. and it cost 500 bucks. A drop in the hat for a miracle waiting to happen.

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