
Ah....the irony

It's been more than a week since we found out that we are four years closer to frickin' armageddon, and I'm not trippin'. Last Wednesday, the day after the elction, was a weird-ass day. I work in Berkeley, which is predominantly Democratic, Green, Libertarian, and Independent. Everywhere I went that day, people were in a haze. You could sense that people were in a state of shock, anger, sadness, you name it. I make fun of the hippie-Berkely-ite as much as the next red-blooded American, but how could we re-elect this numbnut after the job he's done the past four years?

With apologies to Alanis Morrisette, isn't it ironic?:

-Republican evangelicals claim that they voted to align with their moral values. How is it moral to indiscriminantly maim, kill, and destroy cities, towns and whole countries? If I were an Iraqi, I would ask, "If this is the freedom and democracy you want us to have, go stick it up your collective asses!" No wonder the world hates us. Our magnanimous, inflated opinion of ourselves is so sickening.

-Is capital punishment anywhere in the Bible? Then why the hell did Bush kill more people as the Governor of Texas than anyone in the hisotry of the US? I saw Kerry wearing a yellow Lance Armstrong (Live Strong) bracelet. Methinks Dubwa should be sportin' a WWJD? bracelet. What WOULD Jesus do? He certainly wouldn't kill, hate, terrorize, and exclude others in the name of God.

-When the failing economy, trillion-dollar deficit, unilateral foreign policy, and claiming to go to war as a "last resort" and fabricating a few reasons to invade another country are OVERLOOKED, because we can't stand to see two guys french-kissing, there is something extremely wrong. Our priorities are all out of wack.

-New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, and other metropolitan areas are touted to be the most culturally advanced areas in the World. WTF?!?!?! We got our asses handed to us by a bunch of redneck, holy-rollin' hillbillies with nothing better to do on a weekend than watch 30 cars continuously turn left for 3 hours in a row.

-Even though all of the unions, including mine (AFSCME), supported Kerry, and one of Kerry's major platforms was the tax cuts not benefitting the people who really need it (the middle-class and poor), we still elected this asshole.

-With all the hype that voter turn-out would be at a record high and young people and women would sway the vote to the democrats, it was all bullshit. Young people were busy watching P. Diddy talk about voting or dying on MTV, and women were busy getting brainwashed by the right-wing Republican.

-The Democratic party stands for SHIT. Nothing. Crap. You name it. Instead of trying to appease themasses by hunting geese in a full-out camo one week before the election, Kerry should have said what he really felt. I think that if Bush, the biggest fucking liar of them all when it comes to Iraq, can still be trusted more by the American people than Kerry, the Democratic party has some serious thinking to do about their platform. Fuck it, support Gay Marriage, support the Right to Choose fully, support something, but do it with conviction, or else the American people will see right through your fake-ass camo.

Four more years, four more years, come on and say it wid' me, four more years, four more years....closer to the apocalypse.

Pictures of some sorry-ass people


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