
Pray for our Children....

My heart and soul go out to the hundreds of children, men, and women who were killed in the hostage situation in Russia this past week. I pray that the trauma that the surviving children endured does not scar them for life. I pray for those who are recovering from their horrible wounds, physical and emotional. And I wish nothing but the fiery pits of damnation and hell-fire on those pussy-ass terrorists who use little kids as their pawns.

Where the fuck is George Bush and his administration? Are they focusing on Iraq, when the rest of the world is getting fucked over? Get your priorities straight, bitches. Oh yeah, let's go to Mars. How about another fucking election snafu. Nah, let's update the "Axis of Evil" and alientate more of the world. How about China? They're pretty damn evil. Oh, wait a minute, they give us a ton of money and cheap products. Forget their human rights track record.

I remember the good ole' days with Mikhael Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan. I hate Reagan's trickle-down bullshit, but he certainly worked to provide stability between the two superpowers. What's good ole' Dubwa doing? Smoking terrorists out of holes? Fishin'? Huntin'? Suckin' Dick (Cheney that is)?

Your Republican ass is prolly saying, "What the hell do we have to do in Russia? It ain't our problem." When we decided to police the entire world, it became our problem. And when we vowed to fight terrorists all over the world, it became our problem. We can't be selective about which terrorists we should be fighting.

The fucking terrorists we should be fighting are in the white house and pentagon. It's G Dub, D Rum, and D Chain that are sending bombs all over the world and killing innocent civilians, all the while sleeping well at night because they don't live under the threat of land mines, bomb raids, or hostage situations.

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