
I hate dust. I already don't like housekeeping, but dusting takes the cake. It seems like every conceivable surface in the house acquires dust, and even after you dust it off one week, it's back the next week. Heck, it's back the next day, but you don't need to be dusting every day of your life. The person who discovers an all dusting robot, or dust-free ventilation, or monkeys or midgets that do nothing but dust, is going to be a rich man. Yes, I said man, because more likely than not it will be a man. Even though we all know it's a woman's job to dust. Fucking woman's suffrage movement. What a crock. What's so bad about being barefoot and pregnant? A) You don't have to worry about tying your shoelaces, and 2) you have an excuse for stuffing your fat face.

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