
Arm Pitt

What is up with my right armpit? It smells like a musk ox took a fart in it. Ofcourse my left armpit is as quiet as a mouse. Not even a little hint of B.O. But my right pit is kickin' like a Metallica concert. When Jo and I go to sleep, she won't let me put my right arm around her, because the smell could literally wake her up in the middle of the night. Trust me. It has woken me up in the past. I should bottle that shit and try to compete in the smelling salt market. Whenever an NFL wide receiver is clocked by a strong safety, they can get out the "franny juice". That shit will wake you up out of a coma.

Quote of the day (from Marvin on Big Brother 5, paraphrasing): Jase thinks he's Brad Pitt, but he's not. He's more like Arm Pitt!

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