
Your hand at the level of your eye

I'm homo-riffic. I like interior design, cooking, buying clothes, and musicals. I just don't like cock. I'm one step, albeit a BIG one (pun intended), from hanging out in the Castro. So it's no surprise that I have an infatuation for the Phantom of the Opera. Everytime I hear "masquerade" or "think of me", I cry like a little be-atch. I watched Phantom for the first time in 1995 at the behest of the wifey (then girlfriend). All throughout college, I would listen to the Phantom soundtrack on my walkman (yes, there were these archaic little machines called Sony walkmans before the iPod), and study my little brains out. I think it allowed me to form an emotional investment with whatever crap I was studying. So it's not a stretch to say that the Phantom got me through college. Actually, my parents got me through college, but don't tell them that. It worked because I didn't get anything lower than a B+ in my last two years of college.

I'm not too much of a romantic, but I can identify with Raoul's love for Christine. I mostly identify with the Phantom, though. He's a horrid, disfigured person who loves someone so deeply, that he finally gives up his love for her for her own happiness. He discovers that it's not his disfigured face that turns Christine away, it's his dark soul. But somewhere within that traumatized soul, is a compassionate being, and it took a kind act of passion to release it.

I've always felt insecure about my relationship skills. I'm either fucking things up or not doing enough to sustain the relationship. In this way, I can identify with the phantom. Despite it all, Joanne has always stuck by me or taken me back.

So this past Valentine's Day, I took Joanne and Mya to the movie theater to watch the movie version. It's been out for two months now and it was in the middle of a work day, so we thought it would be ok to bring Mya. She did fine. Me, not so much. I was crying like a little baby. The music was exquisite, and seemed to tug on my heart strings. I'm glad no one else was in the theater. I was disappointed with the cinematography and the overall feel of the movie, though. It was just too busy, and the camera placements and editing seemed odd. I later found out that Joel Schumacher, the acclaimed producer, directed the film. It was his directorial debut. Stick to producing, homeboy.

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