It's Labor day, and I'm spending a nice quiet day with Joanne and the dogs. We went to a doctor's appointment early this morning, ate at the Pancake House in Fremont, shopped at Petsmart and TJ Maxx, and are now home, chillin', and watchin the 30th replay of the MTV movie awards. When did that first air? Yesterday?
I never really understood Labor Day - let's celebrate working by NOT working. And for the kids in school, it never felt like a day off because you just got off of a 2.5 month summer break!!! Let's celebrate Labor Day sometime in April or May when we all realy need it, and let's call it what it really is - "Take a break from your shitty job day". I doubt it will ever happen because it's too long; it wouldn't fit on a calendar day block.
I bought a pair of "dirty" jeans from TJ Maxx for 16 bucks. It was a pair of Abercrombie jeans that probably cost 50-60 bucks. There was nothing wrong with them. I don't really get the appeal of dirty jeans; but I still buy them. I guess it's one of those mysteries in life that I will never figure out. Shopping at shops like TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Ross reminds me of this joke that Nick DiPaulo once told. He was about to get it on with this chick he ahd never done it with, and when she took of her bra, he noticed that one nipple was a couple of centimeters off from the other. Being the wry comedian that he is, he couldn't help but say, "Where did you get your titties? Marshalls?" Irregular. Ha!
I never really understood Labor Day - let's celebrate working by NOT working. And for the kids in school, it never felt like a day off because you just got off of a 2.5 month summer break!!! Let's celebrate Labor Day sometime in April or May when we all realy need it, and let's call it what it really is - "Take a break from your shitty job day". I doubt it will ever happen because it's too long; it wouldn't fit on a calendar day block.
I bought a pair of "dirty" jeans from TJ Maxx for 16 bucks. It was a pair of Abercrombie jeans that probably cost 50-60 bucks. There was nothing wrong with them. I don't really get the appeal of dirty jeans; but I still buy them. I guess it's one of those mysteries in life that I will never figure out. Shopping at shops like TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Ross reminds me of this joke that Nick DiPaulo once told. He was about to get it on with this chick he ahd never done it with, and when she took of her bra, he noticed that one nipple was a couple of centimeters off from the other. Being the wry comedian that he is, he couldn't help but say, "Where did you get your titties? Marshalls?" Irregular. Ha!