
The durations between posts are getting shorter and shorter; a little victory to celebrate. Let's see if I can get them down to a day or two. Then, I can actually start calling this thing a journal. Let's see.......anything interesting happen in the past couple of weeks?

a) We found a family for our foster Jindo, Heppi (shown in white; pictured here with our Gilbey).

We've fostered him for two months now and it was difficult finding him a foster home. A lot of people were inquiring from out of the area and I couldn't really do an out-of-town adoption. First of all, I wouldn't be able to perform a home check, to make sure that the backyard was secure and the home was orderly. Secondly, it costs a bunch of money to transport a dog by plane. I think there are enough people willing to adopt Jindos here in the Bay Area. Never mind the number of Jindos in Southern California. There are apporximately 20-30 Jindos being put into SoCal shelters every week, and 80-90% of them are being killed. The situation is quite dire in Southern California. Owners need to take more responsibility for the living beings that they are harboring. Motherfuckers throw them into shelters, to take away their guilt, rationalizing their actions through every excuse in the book. It pisses me off royally.

Anyways, Heppi's new family will be a 6-person household, complete with four kids aged, 4,3,2, and 1. Yipes! Heppi will be a welcome edition to the family. I'm gonna miss the little fucker. Sure, he pissed all over my carpets, and pissed off my puppies once in a while, but sure is a beautiful young pup, and I love his personality. I'm just glad that I had a part in keeping him from being euthanized, as well as making a family happy by helping them find their forever dog.

b) Went camping with my group home kids. We went to a beautiful campsite in the Valley of the Moon. It was hardly work. As an overnight, all I had to do was stay awake from 10pm to 7am, which is a breeze for me anyway. All we did was chill in the cabin at night, read magazines, watch dvd's and walk around the campsite. All the overnights had these cheesy walkiee-talkies onand we were fucking around the whole night...."Roger, ten-four"..."breaker, breaker"...."over and out". To top it off, we had the rest of the day and evening to sleep, chill, and relax. So I brought my pup, Belle, with me and bullshitted all day. I only got 2 hours sleep each day, and hiked, jogged, napped, ate, and watched movies all day. It was like a vacation. My buddy brought his grill and fired up some thai marinated steak and herb-roasted chicken. We had a fridge full of mocha frappucinos from starbucks. The kids were great, and they had a lot of fun. I swear, I've never seen them so animated, and uninhibited. I'm just glad that I wasn't on for the regular day staff. All of them came home tired, bruised, bloody, and beaten. Alright, I'm exaggerating, but it's pretty close.

Here's a picture of where we went (this ain't the exact picture, but it was close; the campsite was nestled between Annadel state park and a couple of beautiful vineyards)-->

c) Got a new sectional couch from Macy's. I love this couch. It's microseude fiber, and it's as soft as a baby's butt. Jo and I love lounging on it. It has a chaise lounge that I love to nap in.

d) Went to Residential Counselor picnic at Lake Chabot. It was nice to get paid for four and a half hours of bullshittin' aound.

e) Starting to clean and organize the house. It'll be nice when it gets all done.

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